Perine story

Its a story about 12 years old girl named "PERINE" that after missing her parents decided to find her grand father who has a factory and lives in a big mansion.

Perine starts a long travel(150 km) from paris to maraqure(where her grand father lives),she was alone in this matter and only accompanied by a little jock dog(BARON!),but the real problem is that her grand father didn't  love perine! because Perine's father was married without the permission of his parents...

After many adventures Perine got to maraqure,she didn't tell about herself to any body and started to work as a simple worker in her grand pa's factory.Then Perine succeed to work as an english translator for her grand father(Mr.wolfran),because of the kindheart and truthfulness of perine,Mr.wolfran became interested to her and made a secret research to know the past of this girl and...

"Perine story" was based on a famous novel named "With family" written by Hector Mallot(the french author).This anmimation was made by Nipon animation company in 1978 and first time was shown at 1991 in persia,"Perine story" became one of the most beloved japanese animations that ever were shown in persia.

I myself became one of the perine lovers very soon,because she was a kind,truthful and noble girl!!

In this page you'll find these subjects:

picture gallery about my perine! includes my artworks.

Includes the persian voice actors/actresses informations and their voice samples.

Openning and ending musics,Lyrics and texts.

Includes some good information like episode list,concerned pages and...