Memole guide
Question 1)
I love memole,marielle,graiss and others!where can I find them?
Answer :Check this address:
* It's spoonz memole page,he is my dear friend ! when I still hadn't made my
page he kindly accepted to upload my pictures in his own page!thanks to him...
* Ok,here an other good address ,if you search for pictures,musics,clips,... of memole, you'll find it
there,thanks to Rurito Kasuga for creating this beatiful page!
Thanks to my dear friend Ryun,now below new adress is also available,but before visiting it, plaese take this condition into your consideration :
You have not the right of using the pictures existing in this website without the permission of the website manager!
If you agree with this simple cindition,then click on below address and enjoy! This website consist many beautiful paintings about Memole and other characters,also other useful information for people who can read japanese:
Also try this address :
It is PAM 's memole page,you can find beautiful pictures there! (Thanks to PAM!) Thanks to our dear friend ZARA! ^_^
Question 2)
I want to see the openning & ending scence,where can I see them?
Answer :check these address:
There you can download the opening/ending lyrics! ( Thanks to my dear friend path, for giving me this address!!)
Question 3)
I want to know about the memole's voice actors,can you help me?
Answer : Click here for persian version voice actors,the music playing in that
page is the openning scence music,beautyfull,is'nt it?
Also :Japanese version is available,thanks to Rurito Kasuga!
Question 4)
Tell me about the episodes?
Answer :This serial contains 50 episodes,if you want to know about them click
Also:Have a visual look at:
It is SUN's page created for memole,you can review all chapter there visualy(Thank to SUN for his great job!)
Question 5)
Any musics or voices?
Answer : sure! but It's persian version! no problem?Ok? so click here!
Question:Where can I talk about my feeling about memole?I want to have contact with other
Memole's fan!
Answer :Hurry up !Click here my friend! you will be automaticly connected to Memole's bbs! that guestbook was
created by spoonz in english and japanese version. you can write on it about your feeling,Ideas,questions
and... freely! you can also tell your Idea about my page on it and I promise to answer you quickly,
spoonz gave me this permiton recently,he is a lovely friend! Isn't he???